Exploring ideas in the form of a mind map
On this starting page of the project I begin by brain storming as many ideas as to what I think of the word 'Interaction'. To me there are obvious ideas I could go with but there are also a lot of hidden routes that could be explored, ones that require more thought to go into them. Both solutions as to which I'd like to explore.
Then, I began to look into my favourite ideas from the mind map and ways of approaching them and creating them in my own work. I looked at light play and how light could be changed through refracting, reflecting, shining through objects or against objects. How coloured shadows could be created.
Following on from this research, I looked more into how transparent/translucent objects could be used to create different colour effects that would be cast onto different surfaces. For example, using coloured glass with natural lighting to cast colourful shadows on the ground outside or using mirrors to reflect artificial lighting inside of a studio space or using small parts of coloured perspex to create patterns, where the light could be shone onto or through and shadow patterns would be produced.

Then to apply all of this into something that would link to my specialism and what I'd like to do, I looked into the use of prisms, reflections and outdoor lighting in order to create colourful effects in portraits/on people's faces. I also wanted to look into the idea of refraction and how water can make things look distorted, this could be an interesting idea to pursue.
- G