developing my pictures from the previous shoot further through drawing and editing in Photoshop
I wanted to explore portraiture through drawing again so decided to do some digital drawings, using my Wacom tablet and Photoshop I wanted to create a basic, digital outline of Oraya and then use this as a base to work with which, I could then overlay onto other drawings, pictures, scanned sketches etc.
To improve the previous line drawing, I thought about how I could start to put colour back into the composition, this time using the clothing as a statement. So picking a colour that reminds me of the subject, I filled in the top that she was wearing. To develop this further, I could try layering the line drawing on top of a plain block coloured background instead of having a plain white background.
Next, I went on to see how to change how we perceive that person and how we can recognise and interact with the person's figure and silhouette before they speak and before we get close to them.
I played around with 3-D editing in Photoshop and duplicating the picture to make the image appear to have a lot more depth and movement than the original, then adding vibrant colours in to highlight the contrast between the figure and the surroundings. To improve further, I would like to try and print this onto acetate to see how it would interact with the surrounding light as it is held up in daylight or to an artificial light source.
Inspired by the artist 'Dela Deso', I went on to create this vivid drawings, with a slime effect to them. I was very interested in the effect that his artwork created and how the drawing is still interacting with the subject even through post-processing and how the 'slime' follows the contours of the model. To improve further, I would like to print this off on a very large scale and display that and also, print of the original picture/edit of Oraya without the overlaying 'slime' and then make a solution/gel/slime/jelly and recreate the effect in real life. I could even use spray paint to create the drip effect?
Some of Deso's work that inspired me;
- G