
By Georgia - September 23, 2017

emptying our bags/pockets and exploring collections of items

Above, I emptied a pocket of my bag and laid out the contents, I decided to lay them out neatly as I had some ideas in mind of creating uniform patterns from them later on in my development. To develop this further, I would like to lay out groups of items in the same way but that relate to one another. For example; groups of ingredients making up one recipe or 10 lipsticks or sorting a big amount of I have a very large collection of them so I decided to then develop this further through digital work and through painting.
colour palette to work with;

If I was going to develop this project further I needed to decide what type of colours I was going to include, so I decided to pick out the bright colours of the compilation and see what different tones I could create from these digitally and also with paint on paper in my sketchbook. This idea could be explored further by changing the colour scheme, I could make the whole thing grayscale and have monotone outcomes, which I explored in the first sketch displayed below. Or, I could make the colours really vivid and almost luminescent, which you can see in some of the pattern samples below also.
initial sketches;
Above, are just a few of my initial observation sketches of the subjects. You can see, I drew one with a fine liner of medium broadness, making sure all the lines were the same size/thickness. Then to vary this and explore my grayscale idea, I drew the same object but 3-D and from different angles using a thicker brush pen, then filled in some shadows with a light black ink wash. To improve on this further, I would like to explore how I can paint the objects from observations and also try to create them digitally.
 pattern design
Opening my picture into photoshop, I explored creating silhouettes from my subject matter. Then developed this further by applying my chosen colour scheme above into the small samples. For example, I took the colour scheme from a train ticket and incorporated this into the pattern on the bottom left. I loved how this colour palette looked so would like to develop this more and digitally create train tickets.
overlays and silhouette edits
Above, you can see I digitally created train tickets in Adobe Illustrator, then applied them into a repetitive pattern. (making sure to chose the correct colour scheme chosen from objects) Then,I overlaid my objects from the pictures in Photoshop and went even further to cutting them out of the train ticket to add interest. To improve this, I would like to physically create a collage like the above, but using paintings, sketches and rubbings.
- G -

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