Chicken Run Research and Kinetic Artists

By Georgia - June 26, 2017

·      Nike Savvas

The complexity of the string work in this design looks both aesthetically pleasing and works well as a strong structure that could be used to hold something up on something on it.

Much like our chicken run experiment, we were limited or had a minimal amount of materials to use: string was one of the main materials that immediately caught my eye and I believe it will work as one of the strongest tools to use, along with gaffa tape.

This artwork above by the artist Nike Savvas. She is known for amazing installations and use of materials we wouldn’t usually reach for, and this one design itself is very impressive. The use of string is carefully thought about to create deeper tones and dimension.
Kenneth Martin

Kenneth Martin below includes a lot of movement in his work and abstract elements. He combines use of shape and direction to add linear qualities to his sculptures and compositions.  His abstraction and use of layering and careful line positions help to make the shapes look 3-dimensional and as if they were popping out of the page at the reader/viewer. 

Much like our Chicken Run experiment, the design appears to be rapping around something; either space of a wire. This creates a helter-skelter affect and the appearance of a never-ending structure.

[Kinetic = depending on movement for its effect]
 - G 

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