Chicken Run Experiment
By Georgia - June 21, 2017
a set task given to us to build a structure that would be able to hold a travelling egg
- allowing it to get from point A to point B, we were placed into teams and began creating our egg structures:

Using these materials:
- cardboard
- polystyrene
- 3D materials
- gaffa tape/any tape
- string
- stanley knives/scissors
- newspaper - for planning and sketching
- graphite
And for every group the things we would be judged on were:
- inventiveness
- distance travelled
- height
- aesthetic quality
- function (keeping the egg intact + getting from point A to B)
To create a structure that would have all of these qualities was a challenging task, but as a team we pulled together and each did our bit to meet the criteria. Evaluating the situation and picking each task that best suited our skills and the way we would work.
What I learnt:
- The task given needs to be broken down in order to tackle it and make our project successful
- Practical elements and the safety of the egg was to be made priority, with the aesthetic qualities being left till last
- Not every task has to be approached the same way...or the most obvious way. With a wide range of different more basic materials being available, we were able to break the design down and have a simple structure design: using string and tape to support the structure, allowing the egg structure to be air born and the majority of the self-supporting.
- Think outside the box: does this need to be a slope? can it have more than one level? can it wrap around something outside? could outdoor elements be incorporated?
Was it a success?
During our testing with our egg, our structure was very successful at carrying the egg from point A to B, but when the egg was put to the test during judging, the egg did not meet all the way to point B and was therefore deducted points during judging on function.
How did other groups approach the task at hand?
Here are some examples of the other groups structures:
The different groups all took to different ways of thinking..with one of the groups even having their egg land in a boat in a bowl of water. This just shows that there's always more than one answer to solving a problem and we all think differently.